Swine Flu Death In India Reaches 45


10 more deaths due to swine flu have been confirmed on Thursday in India. With this the total death toll, took a leap to touch 45.

Karnataka stands in the second position with a total of 11 deaths due to swine flu. Maharashtra is still leading the death toll, with 17 reported from Pune alone. The total death toll reported from Maharashtra is 25. H1N1 has claimed 5 lives in Gujarat where as Kerala and Tamil Nadu has witnessed one death each.

Even though steps to curb the spreading and for the rupturing of the H1N1 infection cycle have been implemented, about 159 cases of fresh infection have been reported, taking the total number of H1N1 infected cases in India to 2,401.

Vikaram Sharma, who succumbed to H1N1 at the Sassoon Hospital in Pune, had been hospitalized on Aug 9. He passed away at 11.15 pm on Thursday night. Dipti Pawar, who had passed away earlier, had also been admitted to the same hospital in a very critical stage on Aug 16. She had initially be receiving treatment in a private hospital at Pune.

Out of the four deaths in Karnataka, Krishnaveni and Kalpana has succumbed in the hospital on Aug 17 where as N Prema had lost her struggle on Aug 16.  The 11th victim from Karnataka was Edward Mohan, 45, who had passed away on Aug 17. Out of the four deaths, the confirmation had been received only on Aug 19.

The Centre has been ordered to file an affidavit regarding the measures that have been taken to curb the spread of the deadly virus.

Swine Flu: A guide for parents

The swine flu, also known as the H1N1 virus, is all over the news. A string of cases have been reported across the United States, as well as across the globe, with Mexico the hardest hit country, so far.

Older kids, who may be scared but hide it, should be reassured that parents and health officials are on top of it.

swine flu

It’s easy to freak out amid these disturbing reports, but the truth is you’re probably doing everything you need to do to protect your family.

“Parents should be aware of what public health officials are saying, and then just be extra vigilant about the precautions they’d normally take to prevent the spread of germs,” says Joseph Bocchini, M.D., chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics committee on infectious diseases and pediatrics chair of the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in Shreveport.

No. 1 on the list: washing hands more frequently. So take a deep breath, put down the surgical mask, and read on for all information you need to know. Signs and symptoms

Indicators of swine flu are not unlike those for regular old run-of-the-mill flu. What makes this virus different from typical flu is that more serious complications, such as pneumonia, might occur more often. Also, says Bocchini, this is a new strain of flu, and no one in the population would be expected to be immune.

One of the biggest concerns for officials is simply that a lot of people could get sick at the same time. Take heart in knowing that our government health officials are doing everything they can to make sure the country’s prepared. In the mean time, your job is to know how to spot the signs. If you or your child are experiencing any of the following, call your doctor. He or she may want you to come in and be tested.

• fever (above 100.4 for babies 3 months and younger, and 101.1 for everyone else), plus

• cough

• sore throat

• intense body aches

• headache

• chills

• fatigue

Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting, too.

Pregnant women are at extra risk for complications even with regular flu, according to Bocchini, and small children have a higher rate of hospitalization. Both expectant women and moms of kids under 2 should be extra careful about taking action quickly.

When to head to the ER

If your child demonstrates any of the following symptoms, it’s time to seek emergency care:

• Fast or troubled breathing

• Bluish skin color

• Refusal to drink fluids

• Difficulty waking up and/or interacting

• Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held

* Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

• Fever with a rash, especially one that does not blanch

In adults, the following symptoms deserve an ER trip as well:

• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

• Pain or pressure in the chest

• Abdominal pain

• Sudden dizziness

• Confusion

• Severe or persistent vomiting

How to talk to your kids about It

As always, you’ll want to explain to kids that germs can make us sick, and that’s why it’s important to wash your hands. You can say, “Soap and water rinse away the little buggers so they can’t make us feel bad.”

If they’ve caught wind of swine flu in particular, it’s important to project an image of calm (even if you’re internally flipping out) and make them feel safe. Small kids should be soothed with a simple explanation that there are different kinds of flu, and we should just keep up with washing up. Older kids, who may be scared but hide it, can be given a few more details but should still be reassured that their parents and our health officials are on top of it.

Easing symptoms and treatment

If you come down with the flu, swine or otherwise, there are a few things you can do to keep yourself comfortable.

• If you or your child feel at all flu-ish, skip work and school. Stay home until you feel completely well.

• Try to stay in a separate area of the house to limit the risk of passing the virus.

• Rest up — consider it your free pass to catch up on your DVR list.

• Push clear fluids, such as water and soup.

• Ease body aches with acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen. If your child is under 2, check with your doctor before giving them medication.

• Using a humidifier can ease a stuffy nose. Saline drops followed by suctioning with a nasal syringe can bring additional relief to small children.

• There is treatment for swine flu. Antiviral medications like Tamiflu and Relenza can lessen your symptoms make you feel better faster and prevent swine flu-related complications if taken early on. Consult your doctor about a prescription.

Is there a cure?

There’s not a cure, but a vaccine is being developed, according to the FDA. If you already got a flu shot, it probably won’t protect you from this strain, but it’s a good idea to still get one annually.

Prevention 101

You probably already know all about how to prevent the spread of germs, but in an outbreak like this, it can’t hurt to be a little more vigilant. Here’s a rundown of easy things you can do, starting today.

At home:

• This one’s a no-brainer but bears repeating: wash your hands frequently, and make sure your kids do the same. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of doing it as soon as you walk in the door, before meals and food prep, post-potty and after touching pets.

• Take a moment to clean germ hot spots, like tables, doorknobs, desks and kitchen counters, with a disinfectant. Look for products that contain bleach or alcohol.

• Keep your family’s immune system strong with regular sleep, and lots of fruits and veggies. If you know anyone who’s been sick, stay away for now.

Out and about:

• Try to keep up the frequent hand-washing, especially after trips to the playground.

• If you don’t have a sink handy, use an alcohol-based sanitizer gel or wipe. Look for ones that contain at least 60% alcohol.

• Try to avoid crowded areas.

• Wash your hands or use sanitizer after handling money.

• Use your own pen when signing credit card slips.


• Cover your mouth with your elbow when you cough or sneeze, and remind your kiddos to do the same.

• Throw your used tissue in the trash instead of stuffing it in your pocket.

• Try to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, which give germs a fast track to infection.

• Remind kids not to share cups, utensils and plates with friends.

Getting kids to wash their hands

Yes, you know they should wash those dirty mitts often, but what you really need to know is how to get them to do it sans whining. We’ve got some tips and tricks for making washing up fun:

• To get them to soap up for the required 20 seconds (or more), belt out “Happy Birthday” twice. Everyone sounds better in the bathroom anyway, right?

• Fill the sink with water, and let them go to town with foam soaps and bath toys. (Ignore the water on the floor.)

• Lather up, Mom! Be a good example for your kids, and encourage them to “teach” their dolls to wash up, too.

• Make sure they can reach the sink easily. If you don’t have one already, get a colorful stool to give them a boost.

New Vaccines for Swine Flu

Fears over the H1N1 virus circulating the globe have abated somewhat this week, as a growing number of mild cases suggest that the swine flu virus is not as deadly as initially feared. However, public-health officials caution against becoming too complacent, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in Atlanta, and others are still taking steps to produce a vaccine: the flu season is just beginning in the Southern Hemisphere, where the virus could mutate to become more pathogenic. It’s also possible that the virus could prove much deadlier in a second wave around the world, as was the case for the 1918 flu, which ultimately killed millions.


The CDC is currently growing a seed stock of the H1N1 virus–the first step in making a vaccine. This stock will be distributed to vaccine manufacturers around the world, who will begin production of a vaccine once they’re given the go-ahead from the CDC. However, existing methods for making flu vaccines carry some disadvantages: they are relatively slow and require large amounts of the virus to be grown in chicken eggs. Due to limited production capacity and a limited egg supply, manufacturers would need to halt or decrease production of the seasonal flu vaccine. “This is a very inefficient system that requires a nine-month lead time,” says Ted Ross, a microbiologist at the University of Pittsburgh. “We need something more rapid with something like swine flu.”

Thanks to previous pandemic fears–largely from the avian flu, a much deadlier but less transmissible virus–alternative methods for making vaccines have received a significant boost in recent years. In 2006, for example, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services awarded $1 billion in funding to a number of vaccine makers, including GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, and MedImmune, to develop alternative production methods. Now, for the first time during an active pandemic, researchers and pharmaceutical companies are using these approaches to make vaccines against the current strain even before efforts have begun using traditional methods.

Novartis has already developed a vaccine for seasonal flu that is grown in cell culture, using methods similar to those employed to make biological drugs and other products; it has been approved for use in Europe. “The advantage is that cell culture can be expanded enormously,” says Andrea Gambotto, also at the University of Pittsburgh. “You can culture thousands of liters of cells, whereas there is a limited capacity to produce eggs.”The company is now using both cell-culture-based and egg-based technology to create an H1N1 vaccine. While the former is faster, cell-based manufacturing capacity is limited for this new approach, says a spokesperson for Novartis.

Despite the quick start, “it’s not clear that anything but the conventional technology will be in place in time to generate clinical vaccines that are going to be needed next year,” says Gary Nabel, director of the Vaccine Research Center at the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), in Baltimore. That’s because these new vaccines will need to undergo extensive animal and human testing before they can be marketed. (That process may move faster in the European Union, where cell-culture-based methods have already been approved for commercial use, than in the United States.) Still, the effort will not be wasted. Researchers see the latest flu scare as sort of a trial run for the next potential pandemic strain, which may be much more serious. “It’s more of a research exercise to see how quickly we can respond to a new strain of influenza,” says Gambotto.

US health officials confirm swine flu in Missouri

Missouri now has one confirmed case of swine flu and three probable cases, the latest involving two members of a family who recently traveled to Mexico, the state health department reported Friday night.

Earlier Friday, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta announced Missouri’s first confirmed case – a 30-year-old woman from Platte County in the Kansas City area who recently returned from Mexico.


The woman has received anti-viral medicine, has not needed hospital treatment and is recovering well, the state Department of Health and Senior Services said in a written statement.

Swine flu is also suspected in a 19-year-old Kansas City man who was hospitalized in the Omaha area after traveling to Nebraska for treatment of another health condition.

The two newest probable cases were found during tests of specimens sent to the State Public Health Laboratory by doctors whose patients reported flu-like symptoms, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services said in a statement Friday night.

Both patients are members of a central Missouri family who recently visited Mexico, the department said. No additional information about the family was released.

Specimens from the two patients will be sent to the CDC for tests that will definitively confirm or rule out the disease.

Since swine flu was first confirmed in the U.S. in April, Missouri health officials have urged doctors to send the state lab samples from any patients with flu-like symptoms.

Health Department spokesman Kit Wagar said the state lab tested more than a couple of dozen other samples Friday and that all were negative.

Gov. Jay Nixon has said Missouri’s local health agencies and state officials are following the state plan for dealing with a flu outbreak. The health department said it has distributed medical supplies and anti-viral medications to every county in the state.

On Thursday, Mary Jo Everhart, director of the Platte County Health Department, said officials had notified 40 to 50 people who had been in contact with the Platte County woman

Symptoms of the illness include a fever of more than 100 degrees, body aches, coughing, a sore throat, respiratory congestion and, in some cases, vomiting and diarrhea.

Mexican Swine flu : 149 die in mexico

The Swine Flu, which was first reported in Mexico, now spreads to other parts of the world, faster than expected. At least 149 people have been killed so far by this killer disease in Mexico. In addition, USA, Canada, New Zealand, European countries including Spain, France and UK and Asian countries China, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines, South Korea and Malaysia have raised a Swine Flu alert. Swine Flu, a common disease among the Pings, now spreads to the humans.

swine flu spreads the world

swine flu spreads the world

Canada, Spain and the united states have confirmed the cases of Swine Flu. Mexico’s government has confirmed the death toll at 149 and number of affected people at 1,995. The Swine Flu disease was first reported two weeks ago. All schools in Mexico have been closed till May 6.

While the Bird Flu is found among the poultry products, Swine Flu is found among the pigs. It normally does not affect the humans, but has emerged as a killer disease, for the first time. According to Physicians, cooking pork at an internal temperature of 71 degree Celsius, will kill the Swine Flu virus.Some of the common symptoms of Swine Flu are fever, headache, uneasiness and sore throat. The stocks have plummeted across the world, as the Swine Flu spreads. Travel Industry and Airlines Industries. According to World Bank, the Swine Flu pandemic could cost the world $3 trillion.

The Indian government has issued an advisory, asking its citizens to restrict visits to Mexico, US, Canada, New Zealand and France, which are seen as most affected by Swine Flu outbreak.